If you have a Bravenet visitor counter, you can find out a fair amount of information about those visiting your blog. My fave is to look at the "referers" stats...it shows where people came to your blog from. Mostly unimportant, but for those who found you via a google search, you can see what their search topic was.
My biggest draw is people searching for Rear Window Graphics, Longaberger or info about eyeliner related pink eye (recall this post). I do get an occasional hit for other other stuff, but I got the weirdest hit possible to my post about the little ones being peeping toms on the swing set installers.
Some weirdo in Chelmsford, Mass. was doing a search for "Grandmother peeping tom."
What's your weirdest hit and which of your posts gets the most hits from outside the usual circle?
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Great Post Topic!
I use Bravenet and Google Analytics. The thing I love about analytics is it tracks where much better than the free bravenet counter. In the last year I have had visits from 82 countries and all 50 states! Yeah!
Weirdest Hit is too hard to tell but most frequent searches are: Ms Pacman Champions, Grand Canyon Cell Coverage and Playing Mash online
P.S. Grandmother Peeping Tom? Holy Cow!
I feel that I've been depriving myself of this guilty pleasure...adding today!
Yeah, I use Analytics too....it is cool to see all the countries
I don't really get any out of the ordinary hits, mostly just baby searches.
I'm with Jenn this is something I must get!
Can someone please tell me how to get this info?? I love it! I want to check it out. I have a feeling I will start checking this out every day!
My biggest hit is still Zim Zam
(from Zim Zam Champion of th World)
I haven't really kept up on this. That is oogey about the grandmother peeping tom!
I had a search for "girls with flat abs who wear white socks". No lie. (Nobody with flat abs here, that's for sure!)
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