
Holiday Card Points

Recall Ine's challenge to save our Holiday Cards and tally our scores? Not sure how many of you are participating, but I tallied my score:

Of my 52 cards received, I have 170.5 points!!!


Kim Thomas said...

I am so impressed! This sounded so fun and I have blown in it.

Jenn Ann said...

I intended to play and then completely forgot to keep track of my points...I shoulda had the Queen make me a scorecard :)

Ruth Anne said...

I am so glad you counted! I got intimidated by all the numbers. I will say that my oldest did cute out all the pictures on the cards we recieved and put it in her picture book. That means many of you can be saved around my house.

KFuj said...

I'm bummed that I didn't play either. I totally forgot about the challange... Bummer :-(

Queen B said...

Totally forgot to save the envelopes :(