
Girl stuff

Princess has a friend (we'll call her OM) who invited Princess over for a celebratory Tea Party last week...I think we were celebrating OM giving up the paci. They had so much fun with their crackers, cheese and teas-sized pb&j sandwiches!

We also went shopping at Old Navy
with OM & her mom earlier this week and all the kids had a great time hiding under the clothes and playing together.

But apparently Gman thinks that after 40 minutes, Old Navy just becomes "Old." He's actually laying there pretending to be asleep.


Ann said...

I love G-man! Little boys are a riot!

Anonymous said...

can you blame him, shopping with a bunch of girls...not much fun for a little guy. Grandma

Jane said...

his poor wife, he'll probably pretend to be asleep when the baby needs feeding.

Or worse yet, pretend to be asleep in the chair when she needs help cooking dinner!

Kim Thomas said...

Hey, everybody needs a rest!

Jinjer said...

Just like every guy...hates shopping. Too cute!

Ruth Anne said...

I love to play that game with my kids. I can get some relaxing seconds.

Linda Jennings said...

I'll take any celebration to have a tea party! Adorable! Gman has a long road to go with the sister and her friends!!!

KFuj said...

Your kids crack me up!