A few weeks ago, the kids received tickets to see a girls UK basketball game for perfect attendance in January at school. The girls play in Memorial Coloseum....where the boys team played before the city built Rupp Arena for them. So this is pretty hallowed ground, many of the historical noteworthy UK teams played in this building. Not that the kids grasp the significance of it all.
We walked in only 15 minutes before the game and were trying to figure out what to get for dinner. (Not the healthiest of ideas, but it was a school night, and there was homework to do first, etc etc, sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do!)
As we're standing there, one of the UK relations guys runs up to me, hands me 2 ticket-looking-things and says, "Here's my last 2 kids' pre-game passes, RUN!" and points towards a specific corner of the court. Not knowing what I've just volunteered my kids for, we ran!
They got to stand on the court sideline for the pre-game show. Both mascots (Scratch and the Wildcat) came over to 'high 5' the kids. And as the players were introduced, they'd run down a tunnel of cheerleaders & UK flags and hand a small auto-graphed ball to 1 of the kids!!!
This one is Scratch.
This one is Wildcat...ignore the other random kids....they were trying to usher us all out...I had to hurry...this is the first time our kids would get within 50 feet of large costumed-beings!