We made a trip to Salt Lake City/Ogden last week. Our flight schedule can only be described as bizarre (i.e., 13 hour layover in Dallas), but that's what you do in order to get all 5 family members on the same plane while using the airline's free miles. I won't bore you non-family members with 4 dozen pictures from the extensive, dizzying itinerary we maintained in order to see 3 different "sides" of my family in one weekend. Here's the funnies:

With all the activities, parks, playgrounds, ice cream at a 90 yr old shoppe, pools, hot tubs, dozens of cousins, and airplanes airplanes airplanes...etc, etc, etc. What do you suppose was Gman's favorite part of the trip? Riding on the SkyLink train at the DFW airport.

The second item is actually what I wanted to show you. It's "Polygamy Pale Ale." HeeHee...Polygamy jokes...in Utah. But what is polygamist about this beer is: the large trial-size glass my brother purchased out of curiosity was passed around the table......6 people tasted it and there was STILL some left over! I didn't taste it, but all agreed that it was gross.

OK....for whatever reason, I thought this was too funny.
I'm told that these stickers are on all alcoholic beverages sold in stores in Utah. It says "Unlawful to Remove" along the top of the sticker. It's kind of like the tags on pillows and matresses. How does this make sense?

It was 90 +/- degrees every day, and yet snow on the mountains! Everyone said they don't ever remember seeing snow up there in mid-June.
Every time we drove past this:

Princess would say "U is for Uty-tah." She and Gman kept saying a treasure is buried up there under the U and they should go dig it up (as in, X marks the spot).